Still Thriving...

Still Thriving...
Have You Scheduled Your Mammogram??!!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

The X-Factor Part Duex

I'm going to get straight to the point tonight. I'm so sleepy, still catching up from being down. 

I saw Dr. Brunckhorst today. The long and the short of it is that I will try the Xeloda again. If you remember, even if you don't, I was originally prescribed 4 pills AM/3 pills PM for 14 days on and then seven days off. My stomach was feeling the effects by day eight but I called the doc on day 10 at which point I stopped. We then know what happened for five days after. 

This time I will try 2 pills AM/2 pills PM for only seven days on and seven days off. So essentially, everything's been cut in half and we'll see how I tolerate it. If OK, then perhaps I increase it by one more pill and so forth and so on. As I quoted the doc in an earlier post, 10 people can be on this drug and 10 people will have different Rx's.

My next day to begin treatment is this Monday, January 14th. Let's all cross fingers, toes, cross-your-heart-bras, etc. 

In the meantime, on Sunday when I was struggling with extreme nausea, I spoke with my friend, Mayu, who is a doctor whose specialty is palliative care. I asked for any cures she might have and we discussed what medications I was taking, etc. I told her I felt bad about calling my doctor every day including Saturday and Sunday. She said, don't worry, oncologists know to expect to always receive calls. So I said, Well, then they should be called On-call-ogists. She paused for a moment and then, AHA! I shared that with my Oncallogist Brunckhorst today and he got a kick out of it and said he wished he heard it this weekend because his phone was ringing non-stop. 

So that's my chuckle for the day. Reminder: Laughter is therapy!!

I also leave you with this video of an excellent prank that has gone viral today.


Funnybone Belson

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