Still Thriving...

Still Thriving...
Have You Scheduled Your Mammogram??!!

Friday, October 5, 2007

I'd Like To Have Met This Guy, Buddha

"You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger...
Let a man overcome anger by love.

When life hands you lemons, squeeze 'em and make lemonade!

I started to tally how many people have manhandled my lemons in the past two months. I ran out of fingers and lost count. And let's not forget the number of mammograms I had.

But, hey, it's all in an effort to ade the lemons so what do I care? I love these doctors! And I'm not the least bit angry about this lemon cancer thing. You know who should be angry? That woman who was erroneously given a double mastectomy. I can't imagine what kind of roller coaster she's been and will continue to be on. SHE has the right to sue for millions of dollars, not a woman who claims to have been sexually harassed by her boss. If she really sued bc she wants to make a difference to women in the workforce, let her take the money lost when she had to look for work and donate the rest to women who can't afford higher education or Dress for Success. We all know she'll even more from a book deal, etc.

Anyway, I'm starting to get angry now so I'll just go back to being grateful for the manhandlers.

Last reminder, it's not to late to sponsor Karen for the Avon Walk. She'll be walking aaallll weekend to help raise money and awareness for breast cancer. The link's on the left side of the page. Even $5 makes a difference!!

Love to all,


1 comment:

  1. "Lemons?" C'mon, I think you are selling yourself way short. You've got a lovely pair of coconuts...or, at the very least, a nice set of tomatas.
