Still Thriving...

Still Thriving...
Have You Scheduled Your Mammogram??!!

Monday, August 20, 2007

My Cup is Half Full!

Today's newsflash...this just in....

Results from the core biopsy:

The right side is what was thought. The cancer there is invasive ductal or if you want the technical term:

"Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, moderately differentiated".

Ductal means it's in the ducts of the breast, or where the milk goes vs. lobular
which is where the milk is made (in the glands).

Invasive means it isn't just confined to the very spot it started. That would be in "in situ". In this case it is invasive so it spread out a bit, but don't confuse that w/spreading to another body part; that is
when it metasticizes (sp?).

So we know for sure the right side is getting operated on.

On the left, remember the MRI picked up 2 masses but Dr. Kolb only found one w/use of US (Ultrasound). He did the core biop on the one he found and it is benign!

In technical terms:
"Predominantly firbrotic breast tissue with focal confluent sclerosing adenosis."

Say that ten times fast.

That is excellent news.

Dr. Kolb has to chat w/Dr. Montgomery and figure out how to find the "missing mass." It probably will be nothing but we still must find what the MRI was picking up. She probably will request that I do a more specific MRI. They have them where you do the MRI and there's a grid on you and they literally can biop right there. I've yet to make contact w/her and will of course let you know the next step for that.

What these tests don't tell you is about hormone receptor neg or poz... they need more tissue and it will be tested once they remove the tumor. (Or as Ward calls it, the Good Tumor Man). It also cannot tell you if anything has gone into the lymphnodes. Again, we'll know after surgery and when we get back the pathology report. At that time we will know
which chemo drugs I'll get as well as the need for hormone therapy. And last, we still need the results of the BRCA test.

I just heard from the person who referred me to Dr. Montgomery and he said I am in the best of hands. That the entire team is top notch and the outcomes now are getting better and better. He also assured me that the reconstructive surgeon w whom I'll consult on 9/4 is fantastic, so much so, that he even sent his own wife to him (despite a not so great bedside manner). I think this speaks volumes seeing as he was a chief surgical oncologist at MSK up until just a few years ago.

So, let's just remain thankful that this was caught sooner rather than later and that according to my posse I suppposedly have decent enough cheekbones to sport a super short haircut. (What are friends for?).

Love to one and all,


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