Still Thriving...

Still Thriving...
Have You Scheduled Your Mammogram??!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

What, me worry?

Friends, Family and Cat Lovers,

As you know, I am not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV. But there is this wonderful thing called the internet on which you can look up all sorts of medical terms and then pretend to speak like one.

It seems that whichever (make sure you whisper the next word as you hold your hands to your chest really tight) cancer (there, I said it) I have can be taken care of and there should be no need to worry. I believe that based on my reports which I calmly reread, given the size of the (OK, the next word I don't like) tumor, and the info I've found, this thing will get cut out and we can say, "Buh-bye," to the evil doer.

These cancers are found more and more thanks to the help of mammograms which I will tell people saved my life. (That, my common sense to get one, and the doctor who read the report.) Alas, if this thing went untreated, THEN there would be a problem. But given the nature of these cancers and the point at which they--really one of them-- showed up, I don't think there is any great likelihood that it has spread.

The next step is to see the dr. on Tuesday afternoon and then we'll set up an appt for the procedure. I do have plans to see a 2nd dr. for another opinion within the same time frame. The results of the lumpectomy will determine which of these wimpy cancers butts I'll have kicked once removed.

I am acting as fast as I can and my ducks are all lined up in a row. Before you know it, the only thing I'll have to show for this is an ugly scar, withdrawal from Diet Coke and a serious wake up call that life really is as short as "they" say.

So, let's all remain positive for this will be a thing of the past. But, for all you young ladies out there, make sure you set up your mammo appts NOW. It is not too early, not to late. Just do it. It is why we have insurance, even if it sometimes stinks.

Thanks for all of your concern.

I remain happy, healthy and positive and love you all,


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